Saturday, June 13, 2020

This week many people graudated from a grade of school or even college.  I graduated from third grade, and also from ninja school.

Ninja school is not for everyone.  The classes are very tough.  You must be in good shape for the athletic parts.  You must not get squeamish at the sight of blood.  The ninja magic means that I will regrow my three fingers missing from that sword fight soon.

Ninja school is fun.  My favorite part was all the horseback riding, especially because the magic horses can fly.  Using smoke powder to vanish was also a lot of fun, although it made me sneeze so I failed that part of the test (you cannot be hiding well enough while sneezing).  The throwing stars and swords were usually great, except for occasional accidents.

Ninja school will help me find a job.  Normal jobs can also be easier to get if you are polite, quiet, and in good shape.  But there are also special jobs only for ninjas.  If you have not been to ninja school you are not allowed to know about these, or how to sign up for those magazines or websites.

I am glad I went to ninja school.  Now I can appreciate all my hard work.  The only problem is that to graduate you must defeat your teacher in single combat and take his place.  So next year I will be the third grade teacher at ninja school even though I am only ten years old, and that will be tricky to hide from my parents.